Monday, May 14, 2012

Fresh Lemonade


The sun is shining...which means I want some lemonade! Fresh is absolutely the BEST!

Fresh Lemonade

1-1/2 C sugar
1-1/2 C boiling water
1-1/2 C fresh lemon juice (6-8 lemons)
2 lemons, sliced
6 C cold water

Heat 1-1/2 cups water to a boil, then stir in sugar to dissolve into the water.

In a large pitcher, add lemon juice, sliced lemons, sugar water and cold water. Chill for service.

I also like to duplicate the 'shaken' ice tea-lemonade that we love so much from Starbucks. It's about two-thirds sweetened ice tea and one-third fresh lemonade over ice.

Yep...that's summer, alright!!

1 comment:

Ari C'rona said...

This is the best! Add a little sweet tea, and it's awesome, too!